A Systematic Review and Scientometrics Analysis of Scientific Research in the Field of Green Entrepreneurship Development

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Entrepreneurship Management Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Full Professor Industrial Management, Faculty of Social Sciences Department, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.

3 Associate. Professor, Tehran of University, Entrepreneurship of Faculty, Development Entrepreneurship of Department, Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Industrial Management, Faculty of Social Sciences Department, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


Purpose: With the increase in environmental problems and the world's need to achieve sustainable development, a new subfield of entrepreneurship has emerged, known as green entrepreneurship. Given the novelty and early stage of the literature in this field, the current research aims to analyze studies in green entrepreneurship using indicators of scientific measurement. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the topic of green entrepreneurship.
Methodology: This study employed a Scientometrics approach, descriptive analysis, content analysis, and systematic review. To address the research questions, electronic databases such as Scopus, Science Direct, and Emerald from 2000 to 2022 were utilized. Subsequently, all descriptive and analytical studies were scrutinized. The systematic review involved inclusion and exclusion criteria to filter relevant articles for analysis. The review framework adhered to the PRISMA checklist, comprising 4 stages (Identification, Screening, Eligibility, and Inclusion). Following the application of evaluation criteria, 171 articles were analyzed.
Findings: The analysis shows an upward trend in published articles on green entrepreneurship. It was found that most of the studies were quantitative and conducted using the case study method. Another interesting discovery is the increasing popularity of terms related to green entrepreneurship in recent years, such as green innovation, green and circular economy, and the prevalence of green and institutional innovation theories. The findings revealed that England and China have the highest co-authorship in green entrepreneurship studies. Among the identified factors, institutional and political factors have garnered the most attention from researchers.
Conclusion: The increasing trend of studies in the field of green entrepreneurship, particularly in recent years, can be attributed to the rising needs of societies, resource scarcity, escalating environmental and employment issues, and the growing interest of researchers in environmental and entrepreneurial studies. This surge has led governments to support green businesses. Analysis results indicate that terms like sustainable development, sustainability, and entrepreneurship, which rank at the top, reflect the extensive research conducted in these areas. In contrast, fourth in terms of research volume, indicating a relative scarcity of studies in this specific field. Consequently, further research, especially in green entrepreneurship, requires time. Moreover, research findings from various countries on green entrepreneurship reveal that the majority of research contributions come from developed nations like England, China, and the United States, which exhibit a significant focus on this subject. Additionally, the most cited journals in this research predominantly feature authors from developed countries. The results also highlight that researchers have shown more interest in quantitative and qualitative methods individually, while the combined research method, despite its strengths, has not garnered much attention in this domain. Furthermore, the theories introduced in this research have been long-standing in entrepreneurship but are relatively new in the context of green entrepreneurship. Notably, theories such as innovation and institutionalism have received considerable attention, with the institutional approach emphasizing the importance of a conducive institutional environment for the advancement of green entrepreneurship. Consequently, institutional reforms are essential to enable institutions to support entrepreneurship as a driver of development. The study also identifies factors influencing the progress of green entrepreneurship, potentially opening up new avenues for future scientific exploration. These research findings will aid upcoming researchers in pinpointing gaps in the field, thereby saving time and resources by avoiding redundant issues. By addressing these research gaps, researchers can significantly contribute to the decision-making processes of policymakers and planners


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