Analysis of the Situation and Alignment of the Ideas and Needs in the "NAN" System with the Priorities of the Comprehensive Scientific Map of the Country

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Evaluation and Resource Development Department, Islamic World Science & Technology Monitoring and Citation Institute (ISC), Shiraz, Iran .


Purpose: Understanding the current situation and aligning the needs and ideas documented in the "Nan" system with the research priorities outlined in the country's comprehensive scientific map is the primary objective of this research. In recent years, various efforts have been made across the country to address supply and demand issues through different systems. However, the proliferation and fragmentation of these systems, as well as the need for needs-oriented research, prompted the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (MSRT) to identify and consolidate the country's needs, ideas, and capabilities. This integration of existing research, innovation, and technology systems related to the country's needs aims to plan and execute strategic initiatives effectively. A national innovation system fosters direct connections among societal needs, private and governmental industries, researchers, knowledge-based enterprises, creative companies, science and technology parks, and growth centers. Nearly a year since its inception, the continued growth and advancement of this system necessitate strategic policymaking and a thorough understanding of the current landscape. Visualizing data from the system will provide insights into the status of registered ideas and needs, illustrate the interrelationships among different subject areas, identify the most requested areas, and highlight active subjects. This analysis can guide future directions for ideas and needs, enabling strategic planning for balanced development across various sectors and the optimal allocation of resources to enhance the quality and quantity of scientific outputs in each domain.
Methodology: The research is a type of scientometric study. The research community consists of 6437 needs and 872 ideas, which were registered in the "NAN" system from the beginning of June to the end of June 1402. The desired maps are created based on the co-occurrence of words using the Python program.
Findings: The findings showed that among 6437 needs and 872 ideas included in “NAN”, the largest number of requirements is related to Tehran province with 2006 requirements, and the lowest number is assigned to Sistan and Baluchistan province with 60 titles. In the ideas section, it was found that the highest number of ideas is related to Tehran province and the lowest number is related to Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces. The highest number of registered needs in the subject areas are technical and engineering, basic sciences, humanities, agriculture and natural resources, health sciences, arts, and veterinary medicine. The largest number of ideas registered in the subject areas are technical and engineering, agriculture and natural resources, basic sciences, humanities, arts, health sciences, and veterinary medicine.
Data analysis in the ideas section led to the formation of 7 subject clusters, including "Technology and Industry Development, "Agricultural Economy, "Software Development, "Community Health and Health, "Livestock and Poultry Industry, "Environmental Environment, and "Tourism". This indicates a growing trend in providing solutions to meet the needs in the priority research areas of the country. In the needs section, there are 8 subject clusters, including economic growth and development, "Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, "Sports Art Culture, "Software Development, "Community Health and Health, and results indicate that the country's greatest needs lie in the fields of "environment" and "economic growth and development. Based on the number and frequency of words in each cluster in the ideas section, it can be said that the clusters "technology and industry development" with 25 keywords and "environment" with 23 keywords have been more interesting. In the needs section, the largest number of thematic clusters are "Environmental" with 23 keywords and "Economic Growth and Development" with 20 keywords.
Conclusion: A central and comprehensive information bank is necessary to carry out targeted research to meet the country's needs. The study results indicated that the needs identified in the “NAN” system align with the country's research priorities. The potential identified in the ideas section, particularly in the areas of economy, technology, environment, and health, which are crucial needs of the country, requires connection with the providers of these needs, attention, and support for implementation. Therefore, the research findings represent a step towards efficient management and facilitating communication between the country's needs and their solutions.


Main Subjects

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