Co-authorship and the Relationship between So-ial Influence and the Extent of Effectiveness and Productivity of Re-searchers in Domain of Chronic Cardiovas-cular Failure

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate of Information Sci-ence and Knowledge Studies, Islamic Azad University of Hamedan

2 Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Knowledge Studies, Islamic Azad University of Hamedan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Knowledge Studies, Payame Noor University


Purpose: The present research intends to analyze and construct the networks of co-authorship in the research domain of chronic cardiovascular failure based on the centrality indicators of social network analysis.
Methodology: This applied research has been conducted using the common methods in scientometrics through co-authorship and network analysis methods. The research community included 11967 documents in the topic of “chronic heart failure” indexed in the category of “cardiovascular systems” at Web of Science during 2000 to 2015. The authors with 15 articles, at least, were considered. Overall, 473 top authors were identified in this domain, analyzed through BibExcel and UCINET, and the networks were illustrated with VOSviewer. SPSS® was utilized to test the hypotheses.
Findings: The findings show that Anker SD is the most active and cited researcher in the domain of chronic heart failure. Voors AA and vanVeldhuisen DJ have the highest paired co-authorship among the writers in the domain of chronic heart failure. The highest rate of scientific collaboration stands among the researchers in Italy and the U.S.A.
Conclusion: the results showed that the authors with a larger number of articles published have a better situation based on the received citations. Researchers with higher degree and betweenness centralities, have a better status for productivity (number of articles) and performance.


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