Drawing the Structure of Scientific Domains Using Co-word Method: A Case Study of Kermanshah Province Agricultural Studies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Masters in Scientometrics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Information science and Knowledge Studies, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Knowledge Studies, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: This research aims to study co-word relation of Persian articles on agriculture in Kermanshah province indexed in Islamic Science Citation (ISC) database during 2009-2014.
Methodology: The persent research is a scientometrics study that uses co-word network analysis method. It also employs guidelines of the network analysis method such as centrality rank, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality and density index. UC-net, Netdrive were used for drawing the scientific maps of subjects and collaborations. Ravar Matrix and SPSS software were also used for clustering subjects.
Findings: Data analysis showed a rising trend of scientific researches from 2009 to 2014 respectively. In the map of the main topics in agricultural articles, subjects such as wheat, peas, barley, agriculture, water, canola, drouthness, genetics and other matters that are visible on the network, have the highest closeness centrality. In the maps of the main subjects of Kermanshah province agriculture, subjects such as analysis, cultivation, wheat, soil, variety, and statistical methods have been identified. Results of clustering analysis also showed that the core research topics include genetics, wheat, irrigation, seeds and analysis respectively. Among agricultural research works subjects such as floods, agricultural education high school, efficacy, indigenous knowledge and drought tension were identified as emerging issues and new researches in the domain.
Conclusion: Results showed that article subjects of the co-word network are dense relatively. Data analysis indicated that documents of agriculture field have been classified in 176 main topics. The mentioned topics have been categorized in 44 subclusters and one main cluster.


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