Co-citation network of articles in the field of nuclear sciences and technology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Knowledge and Information Science; Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. in Knowledge and Information Science; Professor; Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Ph.D. in Scientometrics; Associate Professor; , Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Information Science and Knowledge Studies, Psychology and Education, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

5 Ph.D. in nuclear engineering; Associate Professor; Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose: The purpose of the current research is to identify the subject trends in the co-citation network of prominent documents in the field of nuclear science and technology in the world. The analysis of different scientific fields can help the researchers of that field know the limits and boundaries of science. Also, drawing and analyzing the structure of science can help researchers and policymakers of different scientific fields as a guide map in identifying research priorities and adapting them to the local needs of the country.
Methodology: The current research is practical in terms of purpose. In the first step, Scientometrics techniques were used to analyze the subject area of nuclear science and technology. Then, the results obtained from the Scientometrics part of the research were analyzed through interviews with subject experts. The statistical population of the research, in the quantitative part, in the first step, all the documents published in the core collection of the science website in the field of nuclear science and technology (342,425 documents) and the second step, to analyze and draw a scientific map, prominent articles in the field of nuclear science and technology (40,835 articles) ) who have received more than 25 citations between 1972 and 2021, and in the qualitative part of the research, 13 experts were formed in this field. citespace software was used to analyze and draw co-citation maps of prominent documents in the field of nuclear science and technology. Based on this, to study the changes in the field of nuclear science and technology during the years 1972-2021, a 50-year time interval has been defined as five ten-year intervals. Then, by the trial-and-error method, the threshold of the top 50 nodes was selected for each of the 10-year time slices.
Findings: The results of the research showed that, among the 205 countries participating in the production of articles in the field of nuclear science and technology, the United States of America produced 84,359 scientific papers, and the magazine Nuclear Instruments Methods in physics research section accelerators, spectrometers, detectors, and associated equipment produced 46,547 articles. Scientifically, the United States of America Energy Agency won the first rank by producing 33,943 scientific degrees. The subject area of nuclear science technology, with the number of 336,489 scientific degrees, is considered a pioneer in the production of scientific degrees in this field. The co-citation network of documents in global dimensions formed 57 thematic clusters. Also, the results of the co-citation analysis of articles in global dimensions showed that cluster #0 and cluster #1 both with 29 members are the largest subject clusters formed between 1972 and 2021. 1978 is the average year of formation of cluster #0 and the dominant topic of this cluster is computer studies and profiles. The next important cluster is cluster #1 and the average year of formation of this cluster is 2018. This cluster was formed in the last period under review, and in fact, it is considered the newest cluster formed in the field of nuclear science and technology. The topic of this cluster is deep learning and its application in nuclear sciences. The largest number of clusters (15 clusters out of the total number of 57 clusters) was formed in the last period, i.e., 2012-2021. The formation of the largest number of clusters in the last period shows the special attention of world researchers to various topics in the field of nuclear science and technology.
Conclusion: The number of published articles and the upward trend of publications in the field of nuclear science and technology every year show the value and importance of this subject area. According to the research conducted, it can be said that the field of nuclear science and technology is used in various fields such as physics, chemistry, medicine, medical imaging, geology, etc. The formation of thematic clusters of radiation medicine, medical imaging, etc. shows the diversity of topics and different applications of nuclear science and technology in different research fields. The formation of clusters with the title of deep learning in nuclear sciences also shows the relevance of this field and its progress along with today's world technology.
Drawing scientific maps and interpreting the results of clustering results by subject experts can help researchers find research gaps and help managers make necessary policies.


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