شناسایی و ارزیابی شاخص‌های علم، فناوری و نوآوری در حوزه سیاست‌گذاری از منظر خبرگان

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دانشیار گروه تاریخ و علوم اجتماعی، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه ولایت، ایرانشهر، ایران.


هدف: این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی و ارزیابی شاخص­‌های علم، فناوری و نوآوری در حوزة سیاست­‌گذاری انجام‌شده است.
روش‌شناسی: این مطالعه ازنظر هدف کاربردی و ازنظر ماهیت نیز اکتشافی-توصیفی است که به‌صورت دلفی انجام شد. در مرحلة اول برای شناسایی شاخص­‌ها از روش کتابخانه­‌ای و مرور منابع مختلف استفاده شد، سپس در مرحلة دوم به‌منظور ارزیابی وضعیت شاخص­ها از ابزار پرسشنامه استفاده شد. جامعة آماری پژوهش، خبرگان حوزة علم‌­سنجی بودند که با نمونه­‌گیری گلوله برفی تعداد 15 نفر از آن­ها انتخاب شدند. برای تجزیه‌وتحلیل داده­‌ها از آزمون تی تک نمونه‌­ای استفاده شد.
یافته‌ها: یافته­‌ها حاکی از استخراج و شناسایی 115 شاخص در 10 طبقه شامل طبقه انتشارات علمی و استنادات، اقتصاد، زیرساخت انرژی، معدن و فناوری سبز، توسعة سرمایه انسانی، آموزش‌وپرورش، فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات،  امور مالی و پیچیدگی بازار، حکمرانی،  خروجی (تولیدات) خلاقانه، مؤسسات و نهادها،  نیروی کار تحقیق و سرمایه‌گذاری تحقیق و توسعه است. تمامی 115 شاخص از منظر خبرگان دارای مطلوبیت و مناسبت با طبقه خود بودند.
نتیجه‌گیری: شناسایی شاخص­های علم، فناوری و نوآوری گامی مهم و تعیین­کننده در سیاست­گذاری­های مربوطه است و شاخص­ها کمک می­کنند تا ظرفیت­های کشور در حوزه­های مرتبط برای توسعة علمی شناسایی و آسیب­شناسی شود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Identification and Evaluation of Indicators of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Policymaking from the Perspective of Experts

نویسنده [English]

  • Esmaeil Shirali
Associate Professor of History and Social Science Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Purpose: Considering that in most countries there is a strong desire to create strong systems of science, technology, and innovation for sustainable economic growth, the presence of such a system can enhance the competitiveness of nations within the global trade framework. One of the primary focus for developing policies in science, technology, and innovation is the accurate compilation of relevant indicators in this field.
Methodology: This research was conducted using the Delphi method, which is characterized as exploratory-descriptive in both purpose and nature. In the first stage, the library method and a review of various sources were employed to identify the indicators. In the second stage, a questionnaire was utilized to assess the status of these indicators. The statistical population for this research consisted of experts in the field of Scientology, from which 15 individuals were selected using snowball sampling. A one-sample t-test was employed to analyze the data.
Findings: The findings reveal the extraction and identification of 115 indicators across 10 categories. These categories include scientific publications and citations, which encompass 5 indicators; the economy, with 13 indicators; energy infrastructure, mining, and green technology, with 16 indicators; human capital development in education and training, with 14 indicators; information and communication technology, with 8 indicators; financial affairs and market complexity, with 13 indicators; governance, with 16 indicators; creative output (products), with 10 indicators; institutions and organizations, with 9 indicators; and research workforce and research investment and development, which is assessed with 11 indicators. In the category of scientific publications and citations, the productivity and impact index of citing a scientist or researcher's publications has an average score of 3.94, while the index for scientific and technical articles and journals has an average of 3.61, making them the most suitable and desirable indicators in this category. Within the economic category, the indicators for the complexity of the production process average 3.97, the intensity of industrialization averages 3.72, and intellectual property payments average 3.59, indicating their high favorability. In the category of energy infrastructure, mining, and green technology, the indicators for fuel imports average 3.86, fossil fuel energy consumption averages 3.82, and gross domestic product per unit of energy consumption averages 3.79, demonstrating their desirability. For human capital development in education, the indicators for incoming mobility in the third academic year average 3.97, the availability of the latest technologies averages 3.94, and university rankings averages 3.82, all reflecting high desirability. In the realm of information and communication technology, the indicators for the export of ICT services average 3.85, the creation of an organizational model averages 3.72, and access to information and communication technology averages 3.67, indicating their significance. In the category of financial affairs and market complexity, the indicators for foreign market size average 3.91, trade, competition, and market scale average 3.83, labor force participation and working women average 3.79, the export of goods and services averages 3.76, and unemployment averages 3.73, all showcasing their desirability. Finally, in the field of governance, the indicators for the regulatory environment average 3.79, payments for the use of intellectual property average 3.76, and the efficiency of government expenditures average 3.64, highlighting their relevance. In the category of creative outputs (products), the value chain development indicators include an average score of 4 for the export of creative goods, an average of 3.97 for the export of cultural and creative services, and an average of 3.88 for industrial plans. Additionally, international patent applications have an average score of 3.76. Outputs and products with high and medium-high technology also demonstrate significant desirability, with an average score of 3.73.
Conclusion: Identifying the indicators of science, technology, and innovation is an important and decisive step in the relevant policies. These indicators help to identify and harm the country's capacities in related fields for scientific development.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • STI indicators
  • Policy-making
  • Science & technology
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